Education On Crypto Innovation


Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Consulting: Advice from our educators about crypto projects and developments.

Education and training modules: Education on the history and future of cryptocurrency. Explanation of how to navigate the market and identify opportunities for your industry and inspirations.

We provide education and training through lectures, newsletters, one on one discussion, meet ups and more. Our goal is to provide the information and knowledge about cryptocurrency so you can make an informed decision.


Receive monthly cryptocurrency updates via emailed newsletters.  We obsessively research Cryptocurrency to provide you with important news updates from the ever changing industry.  We will provide you with the most current information about cryptocurrency innovation.


Stay connected via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube where we will post up to date information about cryptocurrency news, markets and projects.


Live education sessions to help get you started on your understanding of cryptocurrency and continue guiding you through your knowledge journey.

  • Introduction to Cryptocurrency
  • Understanding Cryptocurrrency Innovations
  • Individualized Cryptocurrency Mentoring Sessions

The First Cryptocurrency Training Center in Akron

Leaders in Cryptocurrency Training. Our educators have years of experience studying, researching, and analyzing the Cryptocurrency industry.  Our experts want to help you understand the complexity of the market and how you can become involved!

about crypto
What are the Different Cryptocurrency Use Cases?

Banking and financial institutions: increased security and trust. Transactions cannot be deleted or changed.

Blockchain for Healthcare: increased knowledge and patient data sharing. Patients can access and control health information. Quality of care increases.

Blockchain for Insurance: incorruptible data, ensures transparency.

Blockchain for Agriculture: provides transparent tracking of agricultural products from growth to consumption.

Multitudes of Customizable blockchain based solutions for applications in various industries from transportation to entertainment. Decentralized and automated processes save operational costs. Explore the crypto world with the professionals at CTC.

Committed to helping you explore the innovations of blockchain technology to help your industry succeed in the future.